Astilbes also known as Florist’s

Astilbes known as florist's Spirea of False Goat's-Beard come to us from Asia. This plant  expose to partial shade to full shade and performs best in evenly moist, well-drained soils in partial shade, organic but is somewhat tolerant of more harsh conditions as long as sufficient moisture in provided during the dry periods of summer. The color of this plant include white, cream,pink, violet, lavender, scarlet or red. The individual flowers are small and densely arranged in fluffy sprays up to 6 inches or more long at the ends of tall stems.The early bloomers in June, mid-season bloomers is month of July and late bloomers is September. Astilbes is a tall feathery flowered plant popular as pond side feature, due to its previously described growing conditions. It grow from 2 to 3 feet tall at maturity. Over several years their shallow, fibrous roots from clumps that are 1 to 3 feet wide.