Christmas Shopping Can Even Be Fun By Yourself

Normally, my family and I love to make Christmas shopping an all-day affair. The whole family will go and we'll spend lots of time laughing, singing, and picking out gifts for one another. This year, however, everyone else had really busy schedules between work, cooking, and going out of town, so I decided to go do the bulk of my shopping by myself.

Before I left, I made a plan to get around the city in the most efficient way possible. I also looked up all the sales online. Then, I set my home security alarm from and was ready to go. I started out by going to a bookstore, to pick out some new titles for my brother and my mom. I even found a really neat stationary set and journal that my best friend will love. Finally, when I was just about ready to leave, I stumbled onto a new science fiction book by one of my boyfriend's favorite authors. Naturally, I grabbed that as well!

Then, I decided to embark on the mall. I spent about five hours there, going from store to store, but I ended up doing a ton of my shopping and am just about done for the now. Even though I missed the company of my family, I still had a great time by myself checking out deals.