When I was a little kid I always played outside. I raced with my brothers and sisters. At the field there are lots of grasshopper and what we did was. We gathered all grassopher we caught and the party that caught a lot of grasshopper will won. Well, we did not won because we dont know much about catching grasshopper. Today I would like to talk about grasshopper and I hope you will like it. The grasshopper is an insect of the suborder Caelifera in the ordee Orthoptera. Grasshopper have different kinds of color. There are brown, green and yellow green. I like brown they look so sweet and beautiful. As what we know grasshopper have antennae that are almost always shorter than the body and short ovipositors. The grasshopper nervous system is controlled by ganglia, loose groups of nerve cells which are found in most species more advanced than cnidarians. As for reproduction, the grasshoppers reproductive system consists of the gonads, the ducts which carry sexual products to the exterior, and accessory glands. In males, the testes consist of a number of follicles which hold the spermatocytes as they mature and form packets of elongated spermatozoa. During reproduction, the male grasshopper introduces sperm into the ovipositor through its aedeagus and inserts its spermatophore, a package containing the sperm, into the female's ovipositor. How can the sperm enter the eggs? Sperm enter the eggs through fine canals called micropyles. The female grasshopper lays the fertilized egg pod, using ovipositor and abdomen to insert the eggs about one to two inches underground, although they can also be laid in plant roots or even manure. Grasshopper have open circulatory systems, with most of the body fluid filling body cavities and appendages.
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