Anthyllis is lovely flowers

Anthyllis contains both herbaceous and shrubby species and is distributed in Europe, the middle east and North Africa. This group of plants consists of annual and perennial, evergreen and deciduous shrubs and herbaceous plants. To plant this flowering plants, the shrubs should be planted in the fall or spring in any average, well drained soil in full sun. The seeds maybe sown in pots of sandy soil in a frame, in the spring cuttings maybe be inserted in sand or sandy soil in a cold frame or outdoors in a shady pots covered with a bell jar. In July or August, the plants may also be lifted and divided in September and the rooted pieces replanted. If you research about Anthyllis, remember that there are many kinds of these species. There Anthyllis montana jacquinii, Anthyllis vulneraria, Anthyllis tetraphylla and more. I kind of like this flower, I hope to plant some of this someday. Anthyllis is a lovely flowering plants, low-growing plant that is terrific at attracting butterflies.

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